If you need to know more about our SERVERS + VoIPSwitch, He came to the right place.
All you need to know about Switch VoIP service, it is in this FAQ's section.
develop your VoIP company without major infrastructure and communicate to their customers worldwide.
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Regarding the Rent or Rent (Rent) VoIPSwitch
1. What is the rental or lease (rent) de un Server VoIP?
Rent or Rent (Rent): is the value of money off monthly for using VoIP Switch Server installed.
2. After renting or leasing (rent) one Server with VoIP Switch can I provide phone service VoIP?
Of course, once rented or leased (leased) VoIP Switch the server must have at least one provider for IP telephony minutes so you can make calls to landlines and cell.
3. Can I have some sort of legal problem later?
That depends on each country, I learned in the laws of your country on VoIP, worth mentioning that when using Skype, Google+ Hangouts and Facebook videollamdas you are using VoIP telephony
4. I rented or leased (leased) Switch VoIP white label platform could and sell minutes?
And, Of course, You can even offer free calls between all customers of VoIP Switch platform; and to call landlines and cell should buy the minutes to the supplier or suppliers of your choice.
5. What do I get to rent or lease (rent) the server software includes VoIP Switch with you?
We offer a physical dedicated server located in one of our data center partners in San Luis - United States or Strasbourg - Europe, which you access by remote desktop, This already includes the Soft Switch required for VoIP telephony.
Regarding the Server Rented or Leased (leased) con VoIP Switch
1. Does the server for rent is a PC or a dedicated server?
Is a physical dedicated server special features for VoIP, it installs the plataforma VoIP Switch.
2. Does the server is virtual?
No, servers are physical and can send any number of times to restart. They are located in Europe and the United States.
3. Does the server Can you send me to my place of residence?
No, because the servers are physical and are in our data center partner, some are in Europe and in the United States; to this Server platform including VoIP Switch you access via remote Desktop.
4. How long will I deliver server software installed VoIP Switch?
On average 24 hours, maximum 72 hours after receiving payment 50% the value monthly rent. you get access to your server configured and installed the Software VoipSwitch.
5. As for server security with VoIP Switch; Do you leave it completely safe from hackers or other?
- safety 100% is no guarantee.
- We install and use teach antivirus and firewall Microsoft Windows 2008 Y,
- In addition we give practical recommendations and easy to apply to prevent theft.
6. Can you install the Soft Switch in a normal pc than server?
It can, but it is not recommended. A normal PC would not support more calls, You can not always be on as dedicated servers.
7. Can I add other software to implement other business models?
- To avoid problems I suggest VIRUS NO surf the Internet Y DO NOT install other programs on the server with Soft Switch.
- But under its responsibility, of course you can install on the Server what you want. The Server is YOURS and you can do and undo what you want.
8. Does the server is licensed with Soft Switch activated?
Yes, the server includes Windows license.
9. How do I ensure security on the server with Soft switch?
We use Windows Firewall 2008, in which it can block IP's and ranges of IP's.
Costs Servers / Servers VoIPSwitch
1. What is the cost of the server with Soft Switch cheaper?
We have servers from $150 usd (hundred and fifty US dollars) for 50 calls simultaneously.
2. How much should I pay for rent or lease (rent) monthly and how many calls simultaneously supports ?
- 150 usd= 50 voice channels with VoIP Switch
- 200 usd= 100 voice channels with VoIP Switch
- 250 usd= 200 voice channels with VoIP Switch
- 300 usd= 300 voice channels with VoIP Switch
- 400 usd= 500 voice channels with VoIP Switch
- 600 usd= 1000 voice channels with VoIP Switch
3. What methods of payment do you accept?
- We have several payment options as: PayPal, Skrill, banks, U-kash, O
- He Courier you prefer: WesterUnion, Moneygram, Argenper, etc.
4. How much would the formatting and reinstalling the software VoIP Switch out of warranty?
The first time nothing, the second forward $30 usd (thirty US dollars).
5. How much is the minimum recharge have to do?
The minimum recharge minutes to VoIP will depend on the provider you use, if you use for example www.alosip.com no minimum recharge when leases a Server are Soft Switch.
6. Is there an additional charge for calls leaving the VoIP server Switch?
No additional charge; us just cancel us the rental or lease (rent) the Server with VoIP Switch and obviously your provider or providers minute cost of calls that apply.
7. What is the price or fee which I buy the minutes?
The price or fee which you buy depends on the minute or minute providers which you buy the minutes.
8. What price should I sell the minutes?
That's up to you, at your convenience.
9. If you would like to acquire the software VoipSwitch how much it costs me?
The software is not for sale, sorry.
- If you want to install it on a server yours; please check the following link:
VoIP calls
1. What is VoIP or IP Telephony (IP voice)?
IP telephony, also known as VoIP It is to use the internet to make calls to landlines and cell phones in the world.
2. Can I have customers so they can make calls?
Of course, even calls between customers to you They cost you nothing.
3. Can my customers make calls between them?
Your clients if they can make calls between them. These calls are free of charge for you so you can decide whether to charge a fee for this service or provided free.
4. Can I re-direct calls?
Clear, Please watch the video 1 of this link:
5. When they say for example: 50 voice channels $150 usd, They refer to 50 minutes or 50 calls lasting few minutes each call?
- Are the number of simultaneous calls (calls made at the same time) supporting hardware Server.
- Calls can last long as they wish.
- That is to say; on a server 50 Voice channels can be connected as maximum 50 customers calling at the same time, but registered more; por ejemplo 2000 customers; as we all know, not all customers call at the same time.
Clients and Providers VoIP Minutes
1. How many clients can create?
The number of customers you can create is unlimited, the limit is the number of simultaneous calls (calls simultaneously) which will depend on the Server to lease.
2. A same prefix can have multiple suppliers?
Of course, you can configure any supplier and / or suppliers you want at the same time for example:
- if fixed they call Spain to take a vendor A as first choice and provider B as the second alternative and,
- when they are dialing to Spain Mobile 349 another provider who can be A, B..... FROM. etc.
3. Can I have multiple call providers?
In the Server Switch with VoIP you can configure any supplier and / or suppliers want, por ejemplo:
- if fixed they call Spain to take a leading supplier and,
- when they are dialing to Spain Mobile 349 another provider. etc.
4. What you mean I should have at least one provider of IP telephony minutes?
So your customers can call and you can sell VoIP minutes need to set at least one provider of IP telephony minutes; then if you think you need and want to work with several you can have them in your VSM and sell most minutes.
1. How does it make payments?
- When you apply the server cancel the 50% the value of the rental or lease (rent).
- In an approximate 24 a 72 hours we deliver the server with VoIP Switch ready to work.
- You test, begins work; and then 72 hours to make payment by the remaining 50%.
2. Is there a discount on payments?
Clear; offers discounts ranging from VoIP Server 5% 10% and to 15% for payments.
- 5% for payment of rental service or rental (rent) for three months.
- 10% for payment of rental service or rental (rent) for six months.
- 15% for payment of rental service or rental (rent) for twelve months.
Guaranteed support
1. What country are you?
We are located in Ecuador - Imbabura - Ibarra and servers physically located in the data center partner in the US and Europe.
2. What the phone numbers I locate or contact me with you?
- (001) 8455841672 USA
- (593) 62612554 Ecuador
- (593) 990382049 CNT
- Skype: I servimatango
- E-mail: Ventas@ServerVoIP.com
- www.ServerVoIP.com
3. How to provide support when we need help on VoipSwitch?
We help by various means:
- Through Skype, We recommend having your own to help.
- by Teamviewer, It's like having us with you, because with this tool, ested when the run and gives us the ID and pass, we can see the server in real time and guide you step by step.
- Through Mail, our support area recepta their concerns and problems soporte@servervoip.com.
- For video tutorials, the information you need are in our video guides to help you resolve your concerns.
Regarding the Tools VoIP Switch
1. Are all tools come in Spanish?
- Windows 2008, the portal and Vsportal so that your customers will consult the balance in Spanish.
- The (24 modules) HD video tutorials are in Spanish and with subtitles in more than 80 Languages.
- The other programs installed on the server are in English, but it is a technical English, very intuitive and easy.
2. What guarantees are there with respect to the sound to hear the other side there is no interference?
That depends on the provider minutes to use and internet quality from where they are calling.
3. What do I need to start working when I delivered the server with VoIP Switch?
Only you need to enter Providers, the clients and start working. Also as bonds include video tutorials and manual so that I can do it all yourself. It is not need to be technical or know of codes. All we explain step by step.
4. Can I use the software as Carrier VoIP Switch?
Of course, creating a Gateway account or Wholesale which is authenticated by IP, allowing you to increase security, since only accept calls from authorized IP.
5. How do I edit my Portal VoipSwitch?
Please review the following video:
6. Where do I check the availability of a domain to acquire it with you?
Check domain availability ecoDominio.org and contact us.
7. If I do not want an IP and have my domain I can replace to offer my services?
Of course, if you want us to assign your domain instead of the IP server we help you do it without cost. In this way, portals and all it offers can do with your business domain.
8. Can I use the service with an ATA?
Yes, You can use any ATA support SIP. For example: Lynsys pap2, grandstream......
9. How to configure Linksys PAP2 to receive calls with VoipSwitch?
Please review the following video:
10. How to configure Cisco Linksys SPA2102 to receive calls with VoipSwitch?
Please review the following video:
11. How I can use the callback module and the Portal?
Please review the following video:
12. What guarantees are there in relation to sound when listening to the other side, no interference?
That depends on the provider of minutes you use and quality internet from where they are calling.
13. To provide the service is a software that is installed, then I need an additional computer you use to surf the Internet?
No, You not need an additional computer to navigate up Internet; you can do it without any problem as long as it is not within the server.
Switch VoIP software is installed on a server so that we assigned, to access it can do so from your computer that currently has.
14. Does the new VoIP PBX servers Switch Module?
Yes, Of course we have the version with PBX, It is currently installed on our servers deliver VoIP.